Legal Blog

Calculating Lost Wages For Your Personal Injury Case

If you’ve sustained an injury due to another’s negligence, you are legally entitled to seek monetary compensation. The extent of the injury may lead to different outcomes, such as the inability to work either temporarily or permanently. It’s important to understand the different types of compensation you may be eligible for economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include expenses that can be calculated due to your injury. These damages are generally more straightforward and easier

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Briones Law Group – New Office Location

August 2022 – The Briones Law Group is pleased to announce the purchase of our new primary office building located at 189 Main Street, Marlborough, Massachusetts. Our new office is conveniently located just a few doors down from our previous location in downtown Marlborough. Founder and managing partner, Sarah Briones said, “after an extensive renovation we are pleased to offer our attorneys, staff, and clients a convenient, comfortable, and state of the art workspace that

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Dog Bite Injuries and The Law in Massachusetts

Dog Bites: An Injury Worthy of Legal Representation About five million Americans suffer dog bite injuries every year. Dogs of any breed and size, whether unfamiliar animals or family pets, can bite and cause injuries. Dog bite injuries can cause life-long and life-altering injuries as well as psychological trauma. Victims of dog bites have a path to seek compensation through the legal system. Massachusetts Law on Dog Bites Massachusetts law maintains “strict liability” with regard

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What to Expect During a Massachusetts Divorce

When considering divorce, there is a lot at stake. Many people are overwhelmed by the legal aspects of divorce, so this article will outline some common questions individuals ask during a Massachusetts Divorce. How much does a Massachusetts divorce cost? Wanting to know the cost of divorce is understandable. Unfortunately, the answer differs for every case as each couple faces unique circumstances. Some common variables that can impact the cost of divorce include: The willingness

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Can I get a temporary restraining order against my ex?

Individuals who are married, living together, have a child together, or have been in a substantive dating or engagement relationship can request an a 209A Order in Massachusetts, also known as the abuse prevention law which allows victims to ask for a court order to protect them. This is sometimes also referred to as an abuse prevention order, restraining order, or protective order. An individual seeking a restraining order must prove that the order is

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Alimony, Child Support…and Plane Tickets? Navigating Long-Distance Child Custody Arrangements

Not Just a Drive Across Town Change can be hard on children, especially children of parents going through a divorce. The goal of the courts, as well as parents, is typically to see to the child’s best interest and try to provide as stable and consistent a lifestyle as possible. However, when parents live a significant distance from each other, or plan to move, this introduces new complications to a child custody situation. In this

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Know Your Rights if a Dog Bite Injures Your Child

When children are involved in a dog attack, the injuries sustained can be severe. Children tend to be less capable of defending themselves when fending off a dog attack, and because children are shorter, they have a higher risk of being bitten on the head, neck, and face. Animal bites can be especially harmful as they can lead to life-threatening infections. If a dog bite in Massachusetts has injured you or your child, contact our

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I suffered an injury on a wet floor at the gym. The manager says I can’t sue because I signed a “general release” when I joined. Is this true?

While it’s standard procedure for a health club or gym to require members to sign a liability waiver, members still have rights. The purpose of a general release of liability waiver is to protect the gym from injuries caused by members. It’s common to sustain an injury while exercising. For example, pulling a muscle by lifting too much weight, misusing an exercise machine, or overexerting are typical injuries covered members are prohibited from bringing about

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It’s in Your Best Interest to Avoid a DCF 51A/B Investigation

The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) takes allegations of abuse and neglect very seriously. When a report is made to DCF regarding suspected child abuse or neglect, a 51A report is filed. The 51A report initiates the intake process for a social worker or other DCF professional to reach out to the parents or caregivers to determine the report’s credibility and whether or not it indicates the need for an investigation regarding child

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What You Need to Know About Filing a Wrongful Death Suit in Massachusetts

When processing the death of a loved one caused by someone else’s bad choices, you need skilled legal representation to advocate for your—and your late loved one’s—interests in the judicial system. Below, we lay out the basics of filing a wrongful death suit in Massachusetts. The Basics of a Wrongful Death Suit In general, whenever a living person could file a personal injury suit on behalf of himself or herself, the estate of a deceased

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