Legal Blog

Gap Insurance, do you need it?

With the rising cost of automobiles, getting into an accident can be a financial nightmare. It gets worse when you find out that the brand new car you bought is worth significantly less than what you paid for it and you end up owing the lienholder money. Even if the accident is not your fault. Enter gap insurance. You can purchase gap insurance when you purchase your vehicle and it covers any “gap” in the

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Rule 410 documents and divorce

One of the reasons that divorce is a cumbersome process are the mandatory 410 self disclosures that are required in every contested divorce in Massachusetts. These documents are required to be exchanged between parties within 45 days of the service of the divorce complaint. The rationale behind these disclosures is the Court’s interest that both parties in a divorce have a clear picture of the financial situation of their spouse and of the marriage itself.

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Parenting Course required for all Mass divorces involving children.

Every once in a while, I have a divorce that involves children and when we are nearing the end of the process, it sometimes comes as a surprise to people that they have to complete a parenting course and turn in a certificate of completion to the Court before their divorce will be allowed. Yes, completion of a 5 hour parent education course is required. It’s usually spread out over two consecutive nights and are

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Personal Injury Claims in Massachusetts – What You Need To Know

Personal injury is described as an injury to your body, mind, or emotions and can cover all types of injuries involving head injuries, slip and fall accidents, car or construction accidents, as well as medical malpractice. In Massachusetts, if you have suffered an injury that you believe was due to someone else’s negligence, then you can seek compensation, even if you were partly responsible for the accident. Before deciding to file a lawsuit, or pursue

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What Is Child Support and how is it determined by the court?

Both parents are legally obligated to provide for their children. If the parents separate, this expectation is continued through the process of child support. At the dissolution of their relationship, typically one parent will retain primary custody of the child while the other receives parenting time. The understanding is that the child with custody, otherwise known as the custodial parent, will provide support through paying for the child’s daily care, while the other parent, the

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Briones & Morte

It is with great pleasure we announce that The Law Office of Stephen G. Morte has merged with the Briones Law Group, also of Marlborough, Massachusetts. The new firm will be a true combination of equals – a joining of two extraordinary firms very similar in size and culture, with practice strengths that are highly complementary and will enable us to provide a new and broader set of services to our clients. Stephen Morte will

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Bankruptcy Basics

Bills piling up? Can’t make more than your interests payments each month? Have you ever considered filing a bankruptcy? Briones Law Group is pleased to announce that Attorney Annalisa Saldi will be serving “of counsel” to our office handling bankruptcy petitions. Read on to learn more about the process. When you are in over your head with credit card debt, it might seem like you have no way out. Filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy may

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Why you need to carry decent uninsured/underinsured limits on your auto policy.

In Massachusetts, we are required to carry auto insurance on our vehicles. But is the auto insurance we are buying and paying a lot of money for doing its job? Meaning, will it protect you in the event of an accident? Because I have been handling auto accident claims for over 25 years, I have made it a habit to talk to my clients about their auto insurance coverage. People don’t really think it through

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So, you drive for Uber?

You’re making some decent money driving for Uber. That’s great! But have you given any thought to what would happend if you got into an accident while driving for Uber? Well you should. If you have an Uber customer in your vehicle and you are involved in an accident, your insurance does not cover the loss. Uber carries secondary insurance that kicks in while you are “working” for them. The problem is that this secondary

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Pets and Divorce

People who know me well know how much I love animals, dogs in particular. So if you asked me who should get the dog in a divorce, I would likely have a different opinion than the Judges in Probate Court. Custody of the dog would be high on my priority list right after the children. On some days my dog comes before my children especially those in their teenage years.. My dog doesn’t talk back,

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