Legal Blog

Injured on public property?

After a winter storm, your risk of a slip and fall drastically increases due to an accumulation of ice and snow. It is the responsibility of a business owner to properly remove snow from their sidewalk and parking lots. However, you may be wondering: what if a slip and fall occurs on public property? If you are injured on public property, the process of bringing a claim against a town or city is different than

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New 2019 Tax Law Affects How Alimony is Calculated.

Alimony is no longer tax deductible to the person paying alimony and can no longer be counted as income for the person who receives alimony. The 2019 tax laws have set the Massachusetts family law Bar into an uproar making it very difficult to resolve cases that involve alimony. Prior to Jan 1, 2019, the standard alimony calculation was 30 to 35% of the difference between the income of the Payor and the Payee. But

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Gaps in Treatment in Your PI Case

If you have sustained injuries in a motor vehicle accident, and you are in the process of bringing a claim, an attorney will give you one important piece of advice: treat until you are 100% recovered. It is important to continuously treat, not just for the sake of your personal health, but for legal purposes. A gap in treatment can devalue your case. If there is no medical record of your injuries, it will be

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Contributory Negligence and how it impacts your personal injury case.

Under Massachusetts law, “Contributory Negligence” states that if the injured party is found to be more negligent than the responsible party, the injured cannot recover compensation. Plaintiffs can recover compensation if they are under 51% responsible for the incident. However, if it is found that the Plaintiff was negligent, they cannot be awarded damages. In a recent case out of Middlesex Superior Court, a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle while on a crosswalk. She

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Who pays the medical expenses when you are hit as a pedestrian?

In Massachusetts, if you are involved in a car accident, you are entitled to Personal Injury Protection, or “PIP” coverage. This policy ensures that your initial medical expenses related to the accident are covered. PIP coverage typically comes from your automobile insurance company; but what if you are hit as a pedestrian? If you are hit by a car as a pedestrian, you are more likely to sustain severe injuries, and consequently incur higher medical

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Debt and Divorce

During divorce proceedings, there is a separation between marital, and separate property. In Massachusetts, marital property must be divided equitably. Marital property can include both your assets and your debts. This raises the question: how is the debt divided up? One may think that a debt incurred in one spouse’s name, will be assigned to them after the divorce; however, this is not always the case. If a debt is incurred by one spouse, prior

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Clear off your car!

While there is no specific law on the books requiring motorists to clear their vehicles of snow and ice, there are several laws that they can use to ticket motorists who fail to do so. One is a $40.00 fine for impeded operation and there is a $200.00 fine for driving with an unsecured load. This would include the heavy sheets of snow and ice on a vehicle’s roof.

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When you get paid under the table

Can you still bring a Worker’s Compensation claim if you are paid “under the table?” Working for an employer who pays you in cash or “under the table,” can seem beneficial; however, this practice does not come without risks. Industries that are prone to this practice typically often involve physical labor and, subsequently, the risk of injury. So what happens if you get hurt on the job? When your wages are recorded, the path to

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Luke Bryan might think rain is a good thing but for motorists, it’s not and here’s why.

Are you aware that the most dangerous time to drive is immediately after it starts raining? The first few moments of a rainstorm pose an increased risk to drivers. And it’s not because of decreased visibility if that’s what you were thinking. Roadways are subject to build up from hazardous materials left behind by vehicles. During a dry spell oil and grease from car engines is built up on the roadway. In the first moments

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Fathers, know your rights!

Did you know that fathers, even if listed on the birth certificate, have no rights with respect to their children if they were not married to the mother unless they file a court action? In Massachusetts, unmarried mothers have all of the rights and control until such time as father files for those rights in court. For example, if father and mother end their relationship and mother wants to move to a different State, it

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