Legal Blog

Don’t Fall Victim to Hidden Assets During Divorce

When it comes to divorce in Massachusetts, everything related to finances must be fully disclosed. This includes every single asset, purchased together or otherwise, as well as all accumulated debts. Each spouse is instructed to report known findings through a financial affidavit. It is against the law to purposely hide, understate, or overstate assets, as well as any marital property, debt, income, or expense. In extreme cases, this can potentially lead to the withholding party

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Common Myths in Massachusetts Family Law Every Parent Should Know

When it comes to divorcing and family law, things get complicated quickly. It’s essential to know your rights regarding your children. Presented here are some common myths every parent should be made aware of during divorce or custody proceedings. Myth: A parent’s failure to pay child support can result in the parent being kept from seeing the children Only a judge can determine visitation rights. If a parent fails to pay child support, the other

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To CWOF, or not to CWOF?

A continuance without a finding, or CWOF is a form of plea allowed in criminal court. It is an admission that the prosecution has enough evidence (sufficient facts) against you to find you guilty of criminal charges, but is an alternative option to a formal guilty plea. Rather than risk a trial and fight a case that likely will not play out in your favor, a defendant may take a CWOF. They will be placed

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Snow Removal and Indemnification of Business Owners

Last week’s snowstorm made it clear that winter has officially arrived, bringing along with it, some treacherous conditions. When navigating through icy sidewalks and piles of snow, it is important to be knowledgeable about the laws surrounding a slip and fall incidents. Say, for example, you slip on a patch of ice in the parking lot outside of a store and injure yourself. You definitely have a personal injury claim, but against whom?   While

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The Dangers of Falling Snow and Ice

As the weather gets colder in New England, many people are already carrying out winterization measures to protect their homes and businesses. Road salt has been purchased, shovels dug out of garages, and tires swapped out. With all this attention paid—and rightfully paid—to the hazards of traveling on foot or by car through a winter wonderland. However, paying attention to snow on the ground should not come at the expense of preparing for snow on

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Holiday Custody

The winter holidays may be the most wonderful time of the year, but they are also a top contender for the most stressful time of the year. Regardless of family structure, holiday gatherings and visits can be contentious. Under the stress of cleaning and cooking and visiting in-laws, even close-knit nuclear families, amicably divorced co-parents, or happily mixed step-families might experience some tension and conflict around this time of the year. Given the stress of

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How does insurance coverage differ when a motorcycle is involved?

Massachusetts motor vehicle laws and coverage requirements differ for vehicle owners and motorcyclists. It’s essential to understand your coverage before an accident occurs so you can be prepared for unforeseen incidents. After all, that’s why you have coverage in the first place. Everyone is required by law to have a specific line of coverage for a vehicle to be lawfully on the road. This coverage is called personal injury protection benefits. The benefits of this

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Divorce and College Expenses

When drafting a divorce agreement, it can be difficult to consider every contingency. You want to be sure that there is an answer for every future scenario; however, it is difficult to focus on the future when the present is so stressful. One situation that many people forget to consider or do not put much thought into is covering the cost of college. If you have young children, the concept of college may not be

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Know The Legal Steps To Take After A Wrongful Death Caused By An Auto Accident

Struggling with the loss of a loved one is never easy. Figuring out the legal steps when dealing with a wrongful death due to an auto accident is difficult, which is why we’re here to help ease this troubling time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there are more than 32,367 fatalities annually as a result of car crashes. Such collisions are often a result of the negligence of another person.

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Halloween Mischief – The difference between “fun” and “felony”

As a chill fills the air and the leaves turn, children across New England eagerly await Halloween and the candy it promises. Halloween is a favorite holiday not only for children, but for many teens and young adults as well. While for most young people Halloween remains a night of good, clean fun and a good scare or two, some teens and young adults might indulge in a darker side of the holiday. On the

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