Legal Blog

“Hands Free” Law Headaches Already Beginning

As of February 23rd, 2020, Massachusetts has implemented the “hands-free” law. Penalty of violating this law is $100.00 for the first offense. While a $100.00 fine may seem like a minor consequence, you should be aware that this law can easily expose additional violations.   Picture this scenario: John Smith is driving on a suspended license. He believes that if he obeys all the other rules of the road, there’s no chance of getting caught.

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Common Questions About Criminal Defense

When it comes to criminal law, there is much confusion regarding how the system works. This article addresses some of the most commonly asked questions regarding criminal law. For specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact our law office for expert advice pertaining to your individual situation. What are the different roles of law enforcement? It’s essential to understand the different distinctions between law enforcement agencies as each has different powers and jurisdictions. All law enforcement

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Prenuptial Agreements: What They Are And Who Needs One

Prenuptial agreements might have a bad reputation from tabloid accounts of celebrity divorces, but these important legal arrangements are for more than the rich and famous. Nor are prenuptial agreements a statement that a couple plans to divorce or otherwise wants an exit strategy. When done right, a prenuptial agreement can help a couple take stock of their assets and set the stage for efficient and open communication about joint finances, thus strengthening the marriage.

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Sealing a juvenile criminal record in Massachusetts

People make mistakes—particularly young people. While a certain amount of risk-taking and boundary-testing is normal, even beneficial, teenage behavior, juveniles can be held responsible for their actions in a court of law if teenage hijinks turn criminal. However, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts recognizes both that young people make mistakes and that young people can reform themselves. When certain conditions are met, it is possible to seal a juvenile criminal record. By sealing a juvenile criminal

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Underinsured Coverage and Why You Need it

Typically, when you are involved in an accident caused by another driver, their auto insurance is responsible for covering your personal damages, such as: out of pocket medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, etc.  However, many people carry only the minimum bodily injury coverage. In Massachusetts it’s $25,000 per person, and $50,000 per accident.  If you are involved in an accident where you are seriously injured and your medical expenses and

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What to do if you are injured in a car accident while using a rideshare app as a passenger

The sharing economy and start-ups have brought many new and wonderful services to consumers, but sometimes the law struggles to catch up to the innovations of technology. In the case of ridesharing platforms like Uber and Lyft, some cities and municipalities have struggled to impose regulations and taxes on individual drivers or the companies as a whole. Ensuring passenger safety through thorough background checks on potential drivers and swift penalties for those who take advantage

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A Word of Caution When Signing Legal Documents in 2020

Since the New Year is all about starting new habits, this year we advise you to get into the practice of writing out the full date when signing or drafting any checks or legal documents. Law officials have advised the public to avoid abbreviating the year 2020 as 20, as this date can easily be modified. For example, a document that reads 1/1/20 can be doctored to read as 1/1/2019. This small change could allow

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My Kids Hate the Custody Arrangement – What Can I Do to Make Their Voices Heard?

Even in the best of circumstances, divorce can be difficult for children. Children are often resistant to change: adapting to new schedules and surroundings, learning to live with one parent at a time, and getting along with possible new stepsiblings or half-siblings are all big changes, ones which can challenge a child’s developing social skills and coping mechanisms. However, many, if not most, children with divorced parents eventually adapt and thrive, growing into healthy and

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Don’t Fall Victim to Hidden Assets During Divorce

When it comes to divorce in Massachusetts, everything related to finances must be fully disclosed. This includes every single asset, purchased together or otherwise, as well as all accumulated debts. Each spouse is instructed to report known findings through a financial affidavit. It is against the law to purposely hide, understate, or overstate assets, as well as any marital property, debt, income, or expense. In extreme cases, this can potentially lead to the withholding party

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Common Myths in Massachusetts Family Law Every Parent Should Know

When it comes to divorcing and family law, things get complicated quickly. It’s essential to know your rights regarding your children. Presented here are some common myths every parent should be made aware of during divorce or custody proceedings. Myth: A parent’s failure to pay child support can result in the parent being kept from seeing the children Only a judge can determine visitation rights. If a parent fails to pay child support, the other

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