Larceny Over $250

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Charged With Larceny Over $250?

According to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 266 larceny (theft) is considered a crime punishable by imprisonment, probation, community service or a combination of them all. If the property that was stolen exceeds $250 in value then the alleged will be facing a felony charge. If you or someone you know has been arrested and summoned to court for a felony larceny charge it is important that you hire a qualified attorney today.

Penalties for larceny Over $250 in Massachusetts

An individual convicted of felony larceny will face the following penalties:

  • Not more than five years in a state prison.
  • Not more than two years in correction facility
  • A fine that does not exceed more than $25,000

What Is Involved in A Felony Larceny Case?

In order to be convicted of larceny over $250 in Massachusetts the prosecuting district attorney must be able to prove without a reasonable doubt:

The property unlawfully taken exceeds $250 in value. Approximations of the value of the property will not be enough for a felony larceny charge to hold up in a courtroom.

  • The district attorney will also have to provide evidence that you did steal or take away someone else property.
  • That you purposely intended to deprive rightful permanent ownership.
  • That the property was in the possession of anybody other than the defendant

Typically larceny cases are tried in the district court.

There are many different defense options available in felony larceny cases such as:

  • That you never intended to permanently deprive someone of ownership of property.
  • That you were not a participant in the crime but was just simply there.
  • Also, that the property less than $250 in value.

If there is evidence found against you in the form of receipts, business records, credit card statements or surveillance videos you should contact us as soon as possible. The evidence needs to be accessed immediately to develop a solid defense plan.

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